Mason has worked and is currently working on several projects utilizing various delivery methods from Design-Build, Design-Assist, Design-bid-build, and other variations. We believe strongly in value generated from a collaborative delivery and feel like our preconstruction expertise sets us apart from many of our competitors. We want to be involved in projects where we can add value through our expertise.

We are passionate about delivering projects that leverage true collaboration between the Designer, Owner and Builder. This process emphasizes the importance of early team integration between all parties including many trade partners. Leveraging the idea of early integration amongst the entire project team brings the necessary expertise at the right time to optimize the overall design and cost which matters most to our clients.

Even though the various project delivery approaches are slightly different, they all have the same goal of harnessing the talents and insights of all participants to optimize project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and ensure the best possible outcome for all stakeholders.


Our team uses up-to-date historical pricing and analytics to ensure our clients have honest budgets that are attainable and accurate. We provide milestone estimates at each design milestone and, in addition, we will provide interim ‘real-time’ cost updates. Our process will document design changes as they occur and give the Team “real time” cost information to help make important scope of work decisions.


Throughout the preconstruction phase, we work with the project Team to understand the key goals and deliverables for the project. We will research and advise on where alterations can be made to reduce cost without affecting performance, quality and/or long-term maintenance. The objective is to ensure your project stays on budget while maintaining the original design intent.


This is the cornerstone of the cost and quality control process. We will utilize our in-house expertise as well as independent consultants, when appropriate, to review plans and specifications to offer potential ways to save money by modifying details, means and methods.

This is the cornerstone of the cost and quality control process. We will utilize our in-house expertise as well as independent consultants, when appropriate, to review plans and specifications to offer potential ways to save money by modifying details, means and methods.


More than a catch phrase, we believe strongly in the importance of sustainable construction. We have several LEED Accredited Professionals and can offer ways to improve your building’s energy consumption, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, and indoor environmental quality.


Our team brings decades of combined construction experience to your projects. Through the construction process we provide all management to supervise and coordinate the work of all trades to ensure maximum performance and highest quality.

Our goal is to give clients the best service and expertise needed to successfully complete their project while solving issues whether large or small as they arise. In doing so, we give our clients unmatched support and leadership while encouraging open and transparent communication with all key stakeholders and team members.


We utilize Procore, an all-in-one construction management software, for all of our project documentation. This innovative program allows the entire team to work and communicate more efficiently, and build faster from one single source. Several reports can be generated to include: meeting minutes, monthly status reports, pay apps and cost analysis reports, as well as submittal and RFI status logs.

In addition, Procore’s mobile collaboration tools make it easy for the field teams to see a unified, real-time view of the project performance and the remote ability to fill out logs and access the most recent documents.


At Mason employee safety is of paramount importance and success is directly related to our commitment to safety. We regularly train and emphasize to our staff the importance of safe and clean jobsites. Our safety program and procedures add value to our projects and minimize the risk of incidents.

At Mason employee safety is of paramount importance and success is directly related to our commitment to safety. We regularly train and emphasize to our staff the importance of safe and clean jobsites. Our safety program and procedures add value to our projects and minimize the risk of incidents.


Our project teams at Mason have an extensive history of managing projects both on time and within budget. We have successfully managed and completed numerous projects, and it is our proactive approach that has enabled us to consistently complete these projects with the highest degree of success and efficiency.

Mason has also managed many projects in or adjacent to occupied facilities including hospitals where planning, communication, coordination and execution are paramount.

Inevitably in construction, changes can occur whether those changes are varied existing conditions, or acts of God, or supply chain issues resultant from a pandemic. So even though changes may occur, it’s our job to be proactive to identify those potential issues before they become real issues. We’re skilled in presenting options and committed to finding ways to offset these changes and minimize or mitigate impact to the project cost, schedule, or quality.


Scheduling is more than a list of construction activities; it’s the road map to success as it reveals the timeline and resources needed for the delivery of your project. At the onset of the project, a schedule will be established indicating all critical path activities and key deliverables necessary to successfully complete the project on time. This schedule will also start the documentation of long lead items which could otherwise adversely impact the construction completion if not addressed.

We also value subcontractor input / collaboration in developing realistic schedules and get their input early in the process. They’re a great resource for understanding the challenges associated with manpower and/or material lead times.